Dr. Ingrida Barker, Superintendent of McDowell County Schools

Dear McDowell County Schools Students, Families, and Community Members,

 On behalf of our Board Members and our extraordinary team of educators and support staff, it is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! As we embark on this new academic year, I am thrilled to extend my heartfelt greetings to each and every one of you. Our McDowell County community is a beacon of strength, and together, we are poised for a year filled with growth, learning, and success.

As your Superintendent, my mission is to ensure that every student in our district is fully equipped to excel in their journey toward college, career, and life readiness. This year, we are placing a significant emphasis on laying the foundation for a prosperous future by instilling in our students the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving world beyond these classroom walls.

One of our key focus areas this year will be the Science of Reading. We understand the pivotal role that literacy plays in a student's overall development and academic achievements. With that in mind, we are committed to implementing evidence-based practices and strategies that will enhance reading proficiency among our students. By honing their reading skills, our learners will not only become more adept at comprehending academic content but also better equipped to navigate the challenges that life may present.

Moreover, we firmly believe in fostering an environment of rigorous and relevant learning and teaching. Our dedicated educators are committed to providing dynamic and engaging lessons that spark curiosity, inspire critical thinking, and encourage active participation. Together, we will cultivate a passion for learning that extends beyond the classroom, preparing our students to embrace the complexities of an interconnected world.

None of these efforts would be possible without the unwavering support of our families and community. Your active engagement and partnership are invaluable in shaping the education of our students. Together, we can create a thriving educational ecosystem that celebrates diversity, inclusivity, and academic excellence.

I urge each student to seize every opportunity, embrace challenges, and strive for personal growth. To our families, I extend my gratitude for entrusting us with the education of your children. Your involvement in their learning journey makes all the difference. And to our community, I thank you for your ongoing support, which strengthens the foundation of our educational system.

Let us embark on this new school year with enthusiasm and determination. Together, we will make McDowell County Schools a place where every student finds success and becomes a lifelong learner. I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and look forward to witnessing the growth and achievements of our exceptional students.

Take time to review this calendar for important dates, policies, and contact information. Be sure to follow us on Facebook @mcdowellcountyschools and download our MCS App to keep informed on the latest news and celebrations.

Welcome back, and let's make this academic year one to remember!



Ingrida Barker, Ed.D.

Superintendent of McDowell County Schools, WV