Student Services/Attendance
Safe and Drug Free Schools
Character Education
A comprehensive approach to develop and integrate character development into all aspects of school culture, school function and existing curriculum.
Recognizes the six positive character traits: respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, justice and fairness, and trustworthiness
Requires partnerships between the schools, students, parents, business, civic, and faith communities
Discovery Education
Discovery Health Connection is a convenient subscription-based online resource that gives educators access to curriculum programs, teacher’s guides, worksheets, videos, literacy lessons, and extension activities addressing critical health and prevention issues.
Drug Free Community Forum
A school/community sponsored event which provides drug-free alternatives to McDowell County.
Supports healthy, drug-free life styles
Builds community coalitions to implement comprehensive alcohol and other drug prevention strategies
Get Real About Violence
A violence prevention curriculum designed to target the attitudes and behaviors that underlie violence.
Violence is everyone’s problem Violence should not be accepted or tolerated
Each of us can be a powerful force in reducing violence
Life Skills
Life skills is a prevention program that focuses on social and psychological factors promoting the initiation and early stages of substance use/abuse:
Develop personal and social skills
Teach a combination of health information, general life skills, and drug resistance skills
Prevention Resource Officers
The Prevention Resource Officer Program places law enforcement officers in the schools with the goal of creating and maintaining a safe, secure, and orderly learning environment for students, teachers, and staff:
The officers provide law enforcement and public safety education, deter crime, facilitate drug, alcohol, and violence programs
Act as mentors and positive role models for students
Red Ribbon / Alcohol and Other Drug Awareness Week
Activities and programs designed to enhance school and community drug and alcohol awareness:
Create awareness concerning the alcohol and other drug problems facing every community
Encourage neighborhood prevention planning and activities
Positive Behavior Intervention Support
The PBIS program teaches students responsible behaviors. This program assists students in becoming organized and dependable individuals capable of making good judgments for themselves:
Provides a safe, disciplined environment in our schools where students are focused on learning and where discipline problems diminish
Instills in children the qualities society expects from people; common courtesy, manners, respect for others, self-discipline, and accountability