Board Meeting Schedule
For 2024-2025 School Year, Board meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month at the Board Office located at 900 Mt. View Road, Welch, WV and are open to the public.
Board meetings will begin at 5:00 p.m., unless noted otherwise on the schedule. Board Meeting Schedule can be accessed HERE. The meeting minutes are posted after those are approved by the Board of Education.
McDowell County Board of Education Meetings are live streamed, and the recordings are housed on YouTube channel. Use this link to watch the MCS live-feed section. Click on the "Live" video and watch the stream.
Special meetings may have different start times. Please check the online agenda for correct times.
How Can I Address the Board?
Public participation in meetings of the Board is encouraged under conditions which permit the Board to conduct its business. At each regularly scheduled Board meeting time will be set aside on the Board agenda for residents of McDowell County to make public comments pertinent to McDowell County Schools. Anyone wishing to make a comment will sign the register 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting listing
Name of Individual/Organization
Mailing Address
Phone Number
Brief statement regarding the nature of your request
Indicate whether you have spoken to the principal, director and/or superintendent prior to this request and if so, list whom
Comments will be limited to five minutes per individual and will be regulated by state and board policy (time will not permit more than one person to speak on the same issue, therefore, only one person may speak on a specific topic). No participant may address or question the board members individually. No place cards or banners will be permitted within the meeting room.
Any persons wishing to make a presentation to the Board shall contact the Office of the Superintendent before the agenda is prepared for the session to be addressed, with notice of at least two weeks. Presentations to the Board shall be limited to three minutes or as extended by the permission of the Superintendent.
Discussions of business shall be among Board members. Participation by others shall be by permission of the Chairman.