Virtual School 2021-2022
Virtual School FAQs

Q: Does my child actually have a teacher?
A: Yes, a teacher is assigned through Proximity Learning. Your child will have live instruction each week, Monday through Friday. You may contact this teacher with questions and concerns with the course. If your child misses live instruction, he or she will be required to watch the recording of the class at a later time.
Q: How often will my child have live classes?
A: Your child will have live classes EVERY DAY, Monday through Friday and will follow the schedule provided to log in to live sessions for the classes. You should expect your child to participate in virtual school classes for the duration of the school day.
Q: Will this teacher be a McDowell County Schools teacher?
A: No. The teacher will be a WV Certified teacher provided through Proximity Learning.
Q: What courses will my student take?
A: Elementary and Middle School students will have a prescribed schedule based on their grade level. High School students will have required core and elective course options. You can view course options and graduation requirements at the following links:
Q: What happens if we have technical issues?
A: McDowell County Schools will provide a device for each student. Internet service is the responsibility of the family. If you experience device issues, please contact Mr. Norris at 304-436-8441.
Q: What if my child begins the virtual education program, and we discover that this option is not suitable for them?
A: Students will have the option to transition back to the on-campus school within the first 15 days of school. After the initial grace period, parents/guardians should contact school one week prior to the start of a new grading period to make the necessary schedule changes to transition back to the traditional form of school.
Q: What is the difference between virtual school and homeschool?
A: Virtual school provides high quality curriculum, access to a certified teacher, and a device. Virtual school also preserves the student’s special education status.
Homeschool option requires the parents to facilitate or create the curriculum for their children. The students do not receive special education services, and it is the responsibility of the parent to maintain the assessment requirements set forth for the homeschooled students.
900 Mt. View Road
Welch, WV 24801