Attendance Matters in Pre-K

frog mascot hugging kid

WV Policy 2525: Enrollment in an approved participating WV Pre-K Program is voluntary; however, once the child is enrolled, attendance must follow WV Code 18-8-1 which allows the program administrator, teacher, and parent/guardian to pursue disenrollment of the child if they concur that requiring further attendance for that school year is not in the best interest of the child. 

Enrollment in the WV Pre- K Program is voluntary. However, once a child is enrolled, McDowell County Schools Attendance Policy and the Coalfield Community Action Partnership, Inc. Head Start Attendance Policy apply. 

When a child enters the Universal Pre-K Program, the family agrees to ensure their child/children are in attendance every day possible. It is understood however, circumstances do arise when there is sickness, family emergencies, etc.

Parents must send a written excuse for each absence. The excuse must include the reasons the child was absent. The parent must sign and date the excuse. 

Each classroom teacher or assistant teacher will contact any parent who has not called the school/site by the start of the instructional day will call home to the families to report an absence and talk with the family about why the child is absent and how they can help to ensure the child returns to school as quickly as possible. The staff will encourage daily attendance and determine if any arrangements can be made to get the child to school on time daily.

If a child has two or more unexcused absences, the Family Developmental Partner and/or the classroom teacher shall contact the parent to request a parent conference to discuss the importance of attendance and implement a plan for the child to attend every day possible.

Apptegy automatic calling system will call each home of any child who is absent from school.

Each school celebrates the importance of attendance. We even have a mascot – Ready Freddy! It is vital for you to send your child to school every day.

If your child misses school he/she can easily get behind in Pre-K – WE LEARN EVERY DAY IN PREK!