Title I
Annual Parent Notice of the Right to Request Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications / Student Achievement

Dear Parent/Guardian,
McDowell County Schools are very proud of our teachers and feel they are ready for the coming school year and are prepared to give your child a high-quality education. As a Title I school, we must meet federal rules related to teacher qualifications as defined in Every Student Succeeds Act. These rules allow you to learn more about your child’s teachers’ training and credentials. We are happy to provide this information to you. At any time, you may ask:
Whether the student’s teacher met state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction, and
Whether the student’s teacher is teaching under an emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived, and
Whether the student’s teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
Our staff is committed to helping your child develop the academic knowledge and critical thinking he/she needs to succeed in school and beyond. That commitment includes making sure that all of our teachers and paraprofessionals are highly skilled.
If you have any questions about your child’s assignment to a teacher please contact your school administrator. You can also contact me via email at afragile@k12.wv.us
Amanda Fragile Peyton
Assistant Federal Programs and School Improvement
Parents Right to Know
Parents’ Right to Know - Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications (LEAs must inform parents of Title I, Part A students that parents may request, and the LEA then will provide information regarding state qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers and paraprofessionals providing services to the child.) [ESSA Section 1112 (e)(1)(A)(i-ii)]
Parents’ Right to Know - Non State Certified Teachers (Schools must provide to each individual parent timely notice that the parent’s child has been assigned or taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet state certification or licensure requirements. [ESSA Section 1112 (e)(i)(B)(ii)]
Parents’ Right to Know - Student Achievement (Schools must provide to each individual parent information of the level of achievement and academic growth of the parent’s child in each of the State academic assessments.) [ESSA Section 1112 (e)(1)(B)(i)]